Project Description
DHA Strategic Planning Support (DHA Facilities)
Defense Health Agency, Falls Church, VA
Provide strategic planning support to the newly formed Defense Health Agency as the organization transitions to Full Operating Capability (FOC). Subcontractor under Task order W912DY-13-D-0120-0025 – Defense Health Agency (DHA) 2014-2016
Facility and Infrastructure Planning, Programming
- Develop the ideal acquisition timeline for each acquisition and design type (D minus x) and lay it out on a timeline so as to know what has to be done when to land on 2nd quarter and 3rd quarter awards.
- Centralize & standardize execution to reduce time, save money, reduce risk and gain efficiency.
- Assess O&M / SRM opportunities/services MX and MFDO can provide.
- Define how to integrate service IO&T with DHA MILCON
- Define How to monitor program performance.
- Trend and better understand service preferences for Design Build (DB), Design Bid Build (DBB) & Design-Build Construction and Initial Outfitting Services (DBIO).
- Timeline used as a tool to measure efficiency in the MILCON Acquisition program.
- Identified lifecycle artifacts (project delivery team) and roles of DHA Program Managers and Planners.
- Provided graphic (Visio) Timeline of MILCON acquisition through programming and scheduling discussions with Services for MHS Construction of $100M Medical/Dental starting at Demand Signal through IO&T installation.
- The project gained a three-month efficiency in the acquisition timeline, which translated into millions of dollars for MHS.
- MHS gained a better understanding of service preference for acquisition programs in drafting out the Timelines for Design Build (DB), Design Bid Build (DBB) & Design-Build Construction and Initial Outfitting Services (DBIO).
- Implement a Business Management System to facilitate a culture of sustained excellence to guide how Facilities will manage business processes and measure performance. Business processes to be documented with flow charts and spreadsheets for common access.
- Processes will have performance metrics for business improvement.
- Presentations of DHA Facilities process in graphic form (Visio).
- Held weekly process meetings with DHA representatives to review graphic (Visio) representations of DHA Facilities processes.
- Created business process maps and templates to support the process, and identify roles and responsibilities in order to support business process improvement conclusions and recommendations.
- Created graphical database of DHA Facilities processes BMS Handbook.
- Created a foundational program for Business Process Automation.
- Outline and provide a guideline to redefine the 35% Design submission in the MILCON Timeline by evaluating the risk and cost.
- Benchmark 35% Design Requirements at Budget Estimate Submission (BES) for Military Construction (MILCON) Projects.
- This initiative laid the foundation to meet the requirements of the Program Objective Memorandum (POM).
- The DoD Financial Management Regulation: Volume 2B, Chapter 6, under “Design Status” defines 35% as “Concept or early preliminary review comments forwarded to the design agent.”
- Provided white paper with recommendations for creating a flexible document at 35% Design where changes to the program that drive alternate space requirements can be accommodated efficiently to save money and time.
- Develop (IO&T) Business Process and reengineering (BPR) to help MHS Facilities create more efficient services, and increase accountability and improve the patient experience by focusing its efforts on planning, designing, constructing, and outfitting facilities.
- Standardized IO&T to reduce cost.
- Provide business advisory services for DHA Facilities and their service partners to achieve maximum effectiveness in their IO&T management and execution.
- Provided BPR report by mapping and analysis of the pre-DHA state of the Facilities Planning Process.
- Provided high-level executive recommendations for improvement of the DHA Facilities IO&T Process.
- Created business process maps and templates to support the process, and identify roles and responsibilities in order to support business process improvement conclusions and recommendations.
- Identified the problems and root causes in the process, and provided solutions to a suggested future state.
- Restructure UFC 4-510-01 to align, and reduce duplication, with the current industry standards of Life Safety and Building Codes and regulations for design and construction.
- What is useful and not useful in the UFC?
- Is the UFC easy to navigate? Is it logical?
- Is the UFC consistent with current building codes?
- Provided white paper with recommendations for creating a simplified, intuitive document for use by the Department of Defense (DoD) in the design and construction of medical facilities.
Facility and Infrastructure Planning Program and Real Property Asset Management
- Can MHS successfully implement an Interstitial Building System?
- Quantify the impact of Interstitial Buildings System and facilities by looking at three factors: cost, energy use, and time.
- Compare quantitative measurements of Interstitial Building Systems (IBS) hospitals against non-IBS hospitals. The interstitial building system (IBS) is a design style that places a building’s internal systems (e.g., electrical, HVAC, and plumbing systems) in separate levels, rather than the ceiling or floor’s plenum space, in order to reduce maintenance costs and interruptions to patient care.
- The team visited hospitals, interviewed facilities staff, reviewed existing architectural drawings and DMLSS data.
- The team used a series of analytical methods such as Correlation analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, and Regression analysis.
- Created an IBS index to take into account the three broad areas of hospitals: cost, energy use, and time.
- Used the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) data to create sub-indices that were weighted and summed to create a final IBS index.
- Our team found that even though IBS facilities are adaptable, flexible, and expandable with less emergency maintenance, the financial impact of IBS hospitals is a net negative when compared to non-IBS hospitals. This impact was minor, and where the data was of higher quality and available for the most institutions, IBS hospitals do not perform as well as their non-IBS counterparts.
Program Management Assistance Acquisition Support Services.
Defense Health Agency (DHA.) Facilities Enterprise 2020-Present.
Prime Contractor -Task Order: 47QFSA20C0013
Our current contract with the Defense Health Agency includes providing Program Operations support for DHA Facilities Enterprise. SandHurst-AEC supports our customer’s facility, business, operational planning, and special studies. We support all the Facilities Enterprise programs, including additional programs identified by DHA to implement the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) infrastructure initiatives.
SandHurst-AEC’s tasks include coordinating, compiling, analyzing contract and financial information, performing project portfolio analysis, and tracking financial execution. We provide acquisition support services to enable efficient and effective acquisition strategy planning and development. We create and analyze monthly, quarterly, and annual reports, ensuring financial information is recorded accurately. SandHurst-AEC facilitates and tracks contract requirements utilizing General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS), Business Intelligence (BI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), MS Office applications in a project-driven environment to ensure accurate Facilities Enterprise reporting.

Project Details
2014 – 2016
Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Facility and Infrastructure Planning, Programming